Winddesign FIDS

Making money is art and working is art good business is the best art of all. I am a deeply superficial person. I broke something today, and I should break something once a week… to remind me how fragile life is. ---andy warhol

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Some good flash web site to be recommend

Using the Shared Library
A shared library allows multiple movies to use the same assets, which means that the user will only have to download them once no matter how many movies they are used in. This is useful with large bitmaps, sounds, fonts and components which can be very large, especially when used in multiple movies.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Flash CS3 previyev (Product fetures)

Although this is the third iteration of Adobes Creative Suite, for many of us, this is the first true test of the acquisition of Macromedia by Adobe a year and half ago.

With the next version of Flash, the integration is especially evident with both PhotoShop and Illustrator importers. And when they decided to finally bridge that gap, the engineers at Adobe did it right with custom designed panels that give you full control over importing layers, assigning instance names and even allowing for individual compression controls. And as an extra degree of integration, you can also copy and paste right from Illustrator into Flash.

Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software is the most advanced authoring environment for creating rich, interactive content for digital, web, and mobile platforms. Create interactive websites, rich media advertisements, instructional media, presentations, games, and more. Depend on Flash CS3 and Adobe Flash Player to ensure your content reaches the widest possible audience.
Product Features
Create rich, interactive content for the web and mobile devices
Design interactive instructional media such as how-to demonstrations and training materials
Produce interactive video, animations, and motion graphics for broadcast, web, and mobile.
Enjoy seamless integration with other Adobe creative tools
Ideal for web and interactive content designers, instructional media designers, graphic designers, students, or video and motion graphics professionals

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Using digital video

You can give your Macromedia Director MX 2004 movie added appeal by including digital video.
Digital video not only offers high-quality real-time image animation and sound, but also supports new types of media such as Windows Media audio and video files and DVD content.
Director supports QuickTime video and Real Media content for Windows and Macintosh.
Director also supports Windows Media Video and Audio (WMV and WMA) for Windows only.
Audio Video Interleave files (AVI) in Windows are supported through the Windows Media Xtra.
The Windows Media Xtra extensions can also support MPEG-1 (including MP3), MPEG-4,
WAV, and RIFF.
QuickTime is a multimedia format in its own right. It offers sophisticated sound features and can include graphics in many formats, including basic navigation of QuickTime VR2 files. For a list of supported QuickTime formats, see the Apple Computer website at To use QuickTime, you must also obtain QuickTime 3 or later (QuickTime 6 or later is recommended)from Apple.
Increasingly, digital media is being provided in the DVD format. The Director DVD editor lets you link to, inspect, manipulate, and access the contents of a DVD. You can link to media on hybrid DVD ROM/Video and regular DVD video discs. However, you cannot export Director files in the DVD format.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Connecting to the Internet

Director can connect to the Internet to import media files and retrieve data. Follow the steps here
before you try to connect to the Internet, if you plan to access files remotely while using Director.
Use the settings in the Network Preferences dialog box to control how the connection works and
to define a preferred browser.
To select Internet connection settings:
1 Select Edit > Preferences > Network.
Note: On Macintosh OS X operating systems, select Director > Preferences > Network instead.
2 In the Preferred Browser text box, type the file path to your preferred web browser, or click the
Browse button and navigate to the correct file path.
By specifying this file path, you select which web browser should open on your system when
you play a movie that is programmed to open a web browser.
3 Select or clear Launch When Needed. When this option is selected, web browser launching
is enabled.
4 In the Disk Cache Size text box, type the maximum number of kilobytes that you want Director
to use to cache data from the Internet on your hard disk.
Tip: To immediately empty the cache, click Clear.
5 To specify how often cached data is compared with the same data on the server, select one of
the following Check Documents options:
Once Per Session checks for data revisions only once from the time you start to the time you
quit Director. This option improves performance but might not always display the most
current version of a page.
Every Time checks for changes whenever you request a page. This option slows performance
but ensures that you are always viewing the most current version of a page.
6 To specify the configuration of your system’s proxy server, select one of the following
Proxies options:
No Proxies specifies that you have a direct connection to the Internet.
Manual Configuration allows you to customize proxy settings for your system. Enter the
HTTP or FTP location and port number of your proxy server.
Browsers usually do not require proxy servers to interact with the network services of external
sources, but in some network configurations where a firewall blocks the connection between
the browser software and a remote server, interaction with a proxy might be required.
A firewall protects information in internal computer networks from external access, and in
doing so, it can limit the ability to exchange information. To overcome this limitation, browser
software can interact with proxy software. A proxy server interacts with the firewall and acts as
a conduit, providing a specific connection for each network service protocol. If you are
running browser software on an internal network from behind a firewall, you need the name
and associated port number for the server running proxy software for each network service.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Adobe flash cs3 professional

some of the new features!!WOW !!!
1)Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator import
Import Adobe® Photoshop® (PSD) and Adobe Illustrator® (AI) files, while preserving layers and structure, and then edit them in Adobe Flash® CS3 Professional. Optimize and customize the files during import with advanced options.
2)Frame-based timeline
Quickly add motion to your creations with the easy-to-use, highly controllable, frame-based timeline inspired by traditional animation principles such as keyframing and tweening.
3)Shape primitives
Easily create pie wedges, round off rectangle corners, define an inner circle radius, and do much more. Visually adjust shape properties on the stage. And create custom shapes with the included JavaScript API.

4)ActionScript 3.0 development
Save time with the new ActionScript™ 3.0 language, featuring improved performance, increased flexibility, and more intuitive and structured development.

these are the gerat features very useful and one more here
...MP3 audio support
Integrate audio into your projects by importing MP3 files. Integration with Adobe Soundbooth™ makes it easy to edit files as needed, without requiring audio production experience.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Installing Xtra extensions

Xtra extensions add features and functionality to Director. Some Xtra extensions are included with the standard installation of Director; others must be installed separately. You should follow the steps below only if you have an Xtra extension that requires separate installation.
If you are interested in finding and downloading Xtra extensions, visit the Macromedia Director Exchange at
To make a custom Xtra extension available to Director:
1 Close Director if it is open.
2 Place the custom Xtra extension in the Xtras folder. The Xtras folder is located as a subfolder in
a Configuration folder in the same folder as the Director application.
■ For example on a PC, the location of the Xtras folder might be c:\Program Files\
Macromedia\Director MX 2004\Configuration\Xtras.
■ On a Macintosh, the location of the Xtras folder might be /Applications/Macromedia
Director MX 2004/Configuration/Xtras.
An Xtra extension can be stored in a folder up to five folders below the Xtras folder.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Writing Scripts in Director

Scripts in Macromedia Director MX 2004 support all kinds of functionality in movies that would not be possible otherwise. As you write scripts, you may find the need for increasingly advanced scripts to support complex interactivity in your Director movies. Intermediate and advanced scripting concepts and techniques are presented here, including information about objectoriented scripting in Director.

Both Lingo and JavaScript syntax provide access to the same objects, events, and scripting APIs.
Therefore, it does not necessarily matter which language you choose to write your scripts. Your choice might be as simple as deciding which language you have the most knowledge of and are most comfortable with.
To understand how scripting languages typically work with a given object and event model in
Director, consider the following:
• In general, a given scripting language, such as Lingo or JavaScripts syntax, is wrapped around a
given object and event model in order to provide access to those objects and events.
• JavaScript is an implementation of the ECMAScript standard that is wrapped around a web
browser’s object and event model to provide access to the browser’s objects and events.
• ActionScript is an implementation of the ECMAScript standard that is wrapped around the
Macromedia Flash object and event model to provide access to Flash objects and events.
• The Director implementation of JavaScript syntax is an implementation of ECMAScript that
is wrapped around the Director object and event model to provide access to Director objects
and events.
• Lingo is a custom syntax that is wrapped around the Director object and event model to provide access to Director objects and events.
Lingo and JavaScript syntax are the two languages you can use to access the same Director object and event model. Scripts written in one language have the same capabilities as scripts written in the other language.

Represents an animated GIF cast member.

Represents an animated GIF cast member.
You can add an animated GIF cast member to a movie by using the Movie object’s newMember()
-- Lingo syntax
// JavaScript syntax
Some of the following methods or properties may apply only to sprites that are created from an animated GIF cast member.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The media types in Macromedia Director MX 2004

The media types in Macromedia Director MX 2004 provide access to the functionality of the various media types, such as RealMedia, DVD, Animated GIF, and so on, that are added to movies as cast members.
Literally, media types are not actually objects, but rather cast members that are of a specific type of media. When a media type is added to a movie as a cast member, it not only inherits the functionality of the core Member object, it also extends the Member object by providing additional functionality that is available only to the specified media type. For example, a RealMedia cast member has access to the Member object’s methods and properties, but it also has additional methods and properties that are specific to RealMedia. All other media types also exhibit this behavior.

Friday, April 20, 2007

If you are new to scripting in Macromedia Director MX 2004

If you are new to scripting in Macromedia Director MX 2004, you may want to take some time to learn the basic scripting concepts that are essential to understanding how to script in Director before you begin. Some of these essentials include definitions of important terms, syntax rules, available data types, and information about the basic elements of scripting in Director—for example, variables, arrays, operators, and so on.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Using Flash, Flash Components, and Other

To add complex media and new capabilities to your Macromedia Director MX 2004 movie, you can use Macromedia Flash content (MX or later), Flash components, other Director movies, and ActiveX controls. Each of these multimedia formats has interactive capabilities that are preserved by Director.
Flash content in a Director movie provides a vector-based, scalable, interactive animation that is optimized for use on the web.
Director provides you with a set of Flash built-in components, which are movie clips with defined parameters. You can use these components to add user interface elements, such as buttons and check boxes to your movies. You can use these components and set properties and events without having Flash installed.
Director movies within other Director movies simplify complex productions. A linked movie appears within another movie as a single cast member, saving you the trouble of managing extra cast members and Score data. Using discrete movies also helps you manage file size for easier downloading.
ActiveX controls in Director can manage ActiveX application resources from within a movie.
ActiveX controls provide a variety of features, including web browsing, spreadsheet functions, and database management. ActiveX controls function as normal sprites in a movie. ActiveX controls work only in Director for Windows and only in projectors.

Monday, April 16, 2007

To use tweening in Director

To use tweening in Director, you define properties for a sprite in frames called keyframes and let Director change the properties in the frames in between. Tweening is very efficient for adding animation to movies for websites, since no additional data needs to download when a single cast member changes.To specify tweening properties for a sprite, you use the Sprite Tweening dialog box.
To open the Sprite Tweening dialog box:
• Select a sprite, then select Modify > Sprite > Tweening.
A keyframe usually indicates a change in sprite properties. Properties that can be tweened are position, size, rotation, skew, blend, and foreground and background color. Each keyframe defines a value for all of these properties, even if you only explicitly define one.

how to resize project window

Q:I'd like to resize project window using drag and drop After creating a
project file.
Is it possible ?
A:Possible yes. Easy no.
If you want just stretch the stage it's much easier than expanding it to fit
more items in it.
Eitherway, you'll have to create a custom border and by clicking and
dragging those borders you'll have to chage the stage rect and drawRect

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I was working in Flash over the weekend and there are three things that would make Flash a Director killer for me:

1)The ability to manage/preload assets for from CD-ROM. Currently, (in windows anyway) a Flash projector likes to load itself into a temp directory before allowing anything to run. This can lead to long, awkward load times for larger files.
2)The ability for real time preview within Flash, rather than having to publish a swf file every time.
3)The ability to use third-party projector scripting commands with in Flash like a scripting Xtra in Director, without having to do a number 2 (haha) every time.

what's new in director mx 2004

Director MX 2004 introduces many new features, designed to save time during authoring or to improve integration with other software, media types, and multimedia development processes.

Importing Macromedia Flash MX 2004 content You can now access Macromedia Flash MX 2004 from within Director.

Scripting in JavaScript syntax Director now supports scripting in JavaScript syntax, in addition to Lingo. You can use whichever language is more familiar to you or use both languages in the same movie to develop interactive features and functionality.

Using prebuilt components Prebuilt Macromedia Flash MX 2004 components are now available to reduce your scripting time. You can drop components, such as calendars and user interface elements, into movies to cut the time that it takes to develop interactive features.

Adding DVD-Video You can now embed, control, and play back the popular DVD-Video format inside Director movies. This feature makes DVD possible and affordable for a wide variety of developers--including entertainment studios, distance learning professionals, DVD authors, and corporate presentation specialists.

Publishing to Mac and Windows in one step After you complete a movie, you can now publish across platforms in one step, creating either stand-alone applications or web-based Shockwave content that runs on Mac and Windows. The new projector publishing feature eliminates extraneous dialog boxes, saves projector settings on a per-project basis, and eliminates redundancies.

Naming sprites and channels Sprites and channels can now have custom names, and absolute references to sprites are no longer necessary. This feature is an advantage when you make last-minute changes to your movie. With absolute references, your Lingo or JavaScript syntax scripts might break. But with sprite names, you can move sprites on the Score without worrying about broken scripts.

Customizing your workspace You can arrange your workspace in multiple configurations and save each workspace for later use. As a new part of this feature, you can now create workspace settings that include Movie in a Window (MIAW) windows that are docked alongside your other windows. These docked MIAW windows can extend Director functionality.

Integrating with other Macromedia Studio MX 2004 products If you already use other Macromedia Studio MX 2004 products, such as Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004, then the Director interface is already familiar to you. In addition to a common interface, you can now start and edit other Macromedia Studio MX 2004 files from directly within Director.

Integrating with Macromedia server technologies You can now choose to integrate Director with Macromedia server technologies, such as Macromedia ColdFusion MX 6.1 and Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX. For multi-user games, distance learning content, and other server-controlled content, this link between your Director content and IT infrastructure extends your interactivity options.

Getting help from the reference panel A new reference panel is now available in Director to simplify getting help with using Director, behaviors, Xtra extensions, and application programming interfaces (APIs) for both Lingo and JavaScript syntax.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Elements of a Multimedia program

What are the main elements of a Multimedia program?
There are six main elements which make up a typical multimedia program:
Text: This is the base to most applications - the on-screen display of words. The use of different styles, fonts and colours can be used to emphasise specific points.
Images: Seeing a picture of an object has more impact than merely reading about it. Examples include conventional artwork, computer-generated artwork, photographs or captured video frames.
Movies: You can present information which is normally outside the scope of the ordinary classroom, such as medical operations or archaeological excavations.
Animation: Animations can render a procedure more accurately than that of a movie. For instance objects which appear blurred within a movie can be represented more clearly.
Sound: Sound can be used in strategic parts of the program or during a movie to emphasise certain points. This may include speech, audio effects (e.g. applause), ambient sound (e.g. the background sound of the sea etc.) and music
User Control: There has to be some degree of user control so as to provide students with the option to leave certain parts of the application and thus prevent boredom. On-screen options should exist for them to visit other areas of the program.
All of the above aspects are combined to produce a seamless application. Typical examples of which might include:
· linking of animation to static in-text diagrams
· linking a video clip to a descriptive paragraph
· audio recordings of foreign language pronunciation towards words of pictures

Do you have an interest be a graphic designer?

Do you have an interest in art, computers and problem solving? If so, graphic design might be the career path for you.

what is the graphic design

Graphic design basically is visual problem solving using text and/or graphical elements. Your aim is to create something that is pleasing to the eye, and gets the attention of the viewer. But things can't just look cool. They have to work as well.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Integrate Flash MX 2004 and Director MX 2004

There are no two ways about it: Flash MX 2004 is a powerful development environment for creating fun and engaging applications. Yet, there comes a time when you may need a little more control of system-related functions such as being able to detect the operating system the user is using, launching external programs, detecting default file handling applications and controlling system windows -- especially when creating distributed applications.
When you are looking to create educational reference material, presentations, CD-ROMs or complicated applications, Flash will (depending on the complexity of the project) usually fulfil the needs of the brief. But there are times when Flash on its own just doesn't cut the mustard, and needs a little more horsepower to accomplish the desired effect.
In this article, we'll look at how, by integrating Flash and Director, we can query the operating system on which the application runs, return information and make decisions based on that data.
The information presented in this article should give you the inspiration to explore the possibilities of Flash and Director integration, and give you a taste of what you can achieve with a little imagination and flair.
Example Scenario

You are building an application in Flash that needs to open several different file types (spreadsheets, PDFs, presentations, executables etc), but in order to make the application as smooth as possible, you need to check for the existence of applications that handle the types of files you are trying to open, and act accordingly.

Using Flash to check whether there is a registered file-handling application for a given file that you're trying to open is, to my mind, extremely difficult -- if not impossible -- without third party or bespoke integration tools.

…Enter Stage Left: Director MX /MX 2004!

I was recently working on a project for a CD-ROM application, and decided to create the interface in Flash. There were several sections of the application that needed to open PDF files, and I included a link to the Adobe Acrobat Reader that was included on the CD-ROM. Everything was working fine, until the client decided to add features to the project, which included opening multiple document types.
Of course, this presented a new problem: I needed to know and inform the user of whether they had installed the application required to open the document they'd selected, and Flash just wasn't up to the job on its own.

Rather than scrapping what I'd already written, I decided to investigate other methods by which I might retrieve this information, and found Director MX 2004 to be the prime candidate for the job.

How It Fits Together

The solution that I came up with was a meld of Flash and Director, where I used Flash to create the interface and act as the 'stub' to call functions within the Director application, which, in turn, was using an Xtra to perform a series of functions.

While I researched alternative methods for retrieving the information, I came across a Director Xtra called 'Buddy API', which contains over 140 functions for interfacing with the Windows API and Macintosh Toolbox.

This was the perfect Xtra for the job and, although it is a commercial Xtra, the unregistered free version includes two free functions. The Xtra contains many functions, some more useful than others. Click here for more details.

Luckily, I could use the unregistered version, as I only needed two functions from the Xtra:

FindApp: Finds the application associated with a file type
OpenFile: Opens a file using its associated program
Essentially, the Flash movie is embedded within a director application, and, rather than producing a Flash projector, we produce a Director Projector that interfaces with the operating system via the Director Xtra to check certain criteria, then carry out specific functions.

The flow of information from the Flash interface through Director projector for this example is outlined in the diagram below; while it's simple, let's take a quick look at the steps involved and how the two applications communicate.

Step 1 In the embedded Flash interface, the user clicks a button (in the example shown below, it's named openPDFDoco) which calls a defined function within the Director application in the following format:

openPDFDoco.onRelease = function() {

Step 2 The parameters of the file (name, extension, type) are passed to the Director movie and a custom function is called, which checks via the Buddy API Xtra whether a file handler is present for the file we wish to open.

Step 3 The Buddy API Xtra checks to see if a file handler is present using the FindApp("file type") function and returns a true or false value to the Director Projector.

Step 4 Based upon whether a file handler is present, the file is opened using the OpenFile(filename, windowSize) function of Buddy API (step 5).

Step 5 The file handler is verified and the file is opened in the relevant application.

Step 6 If the File Handler is not found for the file we are trying to open, we can either trigger an alert within the Director projector to inform the user, or we can call a function in Flash.

Step 7 We call the function to be executed at a specific frame in Flash; this could be as simple as moving the playhead to a specific frame to inform the user of the missing application for the file they're trying to open.

By planning the behavior and integration of both the Flash SWF and the Director Projector, we can have the best of both worlds -- an easy-to-maintain application with a powerful interface that's capable of many different tasks.

In the example shown below, I've implemented this methodology to create a distributable Director projector. This serves as an installer for an application -- both as a Macromedia Extension Manager file (*.mxp) and as PDF documentation (*.pdf) -- but the basic idea outlined here can be used for any number of different projects when you need expand the capabilities of Flash.

to refer the origine article please visit

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

what is the multimedia and the tools

The word "Multimedia" simply means being able to communicate in more than one way. This means that, whether you are aware of it or not, you already give multimedia presentations. For example if you rub your temples while telling someone you have a headache or when you point to a diagram on a board whilst speaking to a class of students you are using multimedia to get your point across. In this instance you are using movement in conjunction with sound and image.
So multimedia is all about communicating in several ways.
about the multimedia tools as we know macromedia flash and Macromedia Director both are the proven multimedia authoring tools for professionals. macromedia flash is the most advanced authoring environment for creating rich interactive content including websites, online advertisements, instructional media, presentations, games, and mobile device content.

Macromedia Director combines broad media support for media types, ease of use, high-performance, and an infinitely extendible development environment to deliver rich content and applications for CDs, DVDs, kiosks, and the Internet. Director MX 2004 offers powerful new features, including two scripting languages, DVD-Video support, cross-platform publishing, and Flash MX 2004 integration.

Macromedia Flash and Director are both powerful rich-media content solutions. Used together, they enable developers to create the most compelling and effective rich content, both on- and offline. Many Director users have already discovered the advantages of combining Macromedia Flash with Director, while more Macromedia Flash users than ever are also discovering this powerful combination.

Use Macromedia Flash to create streaming vector animation, lightweight video, and Rich Internet Applications, both for devices and the web.
Use Director MX 2004 to create extensible multimedia content that utilizes long form (or streaming) video, including advanced 3D games and learning applications, deployable across multiple mediums.
Then combine the two solutions to build the most engaging, powerful, and easy-to-deploy Internet content that leverages the strengths of both applications.

Adobe to buy macromedia for $3.4billion

Adobe to buy macromedia for $3.4billion
The all-stock deal, announced Monday, is designed to create a better-stocked source of tools for building and distributing multimedia content across a range of operating systems and devices, the companies said. They also stressed that the merger will enable them to expand more rapidly into the market for audio and video applications for handhelds and other gadgets.
In a conference call, Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen said that the buyout creates a more robust company capable of delivering new technology into a number of emerging markets.
"This acquisition strengthens Adobe's mission of helping people and organizations communicate better," Chizen said. "Whether it is documents, images, the Web, TV or new wireless and other non-PC devices, the methods we use to access this information continue to evolve."
Market reaction to the deal was mixed. In morning trading, Adobe was down $7.22, or 12 percent, to $53.44. Macromedia was up $2.55, or 8 percent, to $36.
Adobe is best known for its PDF, or Portable Document Format, technology for presenting text files online. Macromedia's flagship product is the flash animation software
Chizen said the combined entity will be able to serve a wider audience than either company currently reaches and deliver new tools and services to content developers as the multimedia software sector evolves.