Installing Xtra extensions
Xtra extensions add features and functionality to Director. Some Xtra extensions are included with the standard installation of Director; others must be installed separately. You should follow the steps below only if you have an Xtra extension that requires separate installation.
If you are interested in finding and downloading Xtra extensions, visit the Macromedia Director Exchange at
To make a custom Xtra extension available to Director:
1 Close Director if it is open.
2 Place the custom Xtra extension in the Xtras folder. The Xtras folder is located as a subfolder in
a Configuration folder in the same folder as the Director application.
■ For example on a PC, the location of the Xtras folder might be c:\Program Files\
Macromedia\Director MX 2004\Configuration\Xtras.
■ On a Macintosh, the location of the Xtras folder might be /Applications/Macromedia
Director MX 2004/Configuration/Xtras.
An Xtra extension can be stored in a folder up to five folders below the Xtras folder.
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