Winddesign FIDS

Making money is art and working is art good business is the best art of all. I am a deeply superficial person. I broke something today, and I should break something once a week… to remind me how fragile life is. ---andy warhol

Thursday, June 14, 2007

how to updating your creativity

Just finished work rush to home grab some instant noodles I set down in front of computer for the assignments, these days almost the same every day rush and rush no stop. But the problem never seems to be reducing.
Today what I have for the blog? So far I have no idea however. When I have no idea with something then how? Ok today just tall about “no idea”

I think every one should has this experience when you with no idea at all for some big project or very important assignment. Really bad.
Maybe next day will scolded by the boss, maybe To be blamed do not have the creativity?
Nobel Prize winner john Steinbeck said:
IDEAS are like rabbits. You get couple, learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
Actually as a design student I myself always can meet such problem. Many way I have tried but few of then can work..
Here I got some experience want to share with you which really some time can help lot, you can try it.
1) When you feel your brain is dry stop you work immediately, if you keep working the only thing could be happen is waste time, also you do not be angry, go out have a cup of coffee, after that perhaps forget all about the project, try to find the funs do not mind even the fool one (just do not have to see by other people) why doing this? Basically this time what you need is change you mindset. After that now you can go back to you table and reopen you computer with new activities..
2) To develop a habit bring a small note everywhere record down the idea if got at any time, this is good habit for you, although you will find the 9of10 ideas are stupid but unless there still got 1 not so stupid. Keep find other 10 ideas, finally the good idea will comes to you.
3) Take a dictionary random open to any page pick up any word, then do not care there is no relationship with my project, just focusing the word which you random pickup one, sometime it is useful, really!


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