Winddesign FIDS

Making money is art and working is art good business is the best art of all. I am a deeply superficial person. I broke something today, and I should break something once a week… to remind me how fragile life is. ---andy warhol

Friday, June 22, 2007

Talk about text design

The text is the important part of human culture constituent. Regardless of in any kind of visual media, the text and the picture are the two big integrant parts. The text arrange directly effects its page layout and visual transmission. Therefore, the text design strengthens the visual transmission effect, enhances the design skill level, It can make difference; also bring the layout design esthetic value, It Is important of design constitution technology.

In modern design the computer becomes the main tool, which dominating the design field. So lot of text design work largely taken over by computer (in many design software a large number of fonts which were ready installed).But the design work will finally shows to humanity not to the computer, thus, if something involves human's thought computer may not a good substitute at all, for example creativity, esthetic and so on.
Now I will discuss with u several points in graphic design about text, these should be the work which the human brain does, the computer is unable to replace.
The principle of text design
These all are my individual viewpoint, perhaps not perfect, for reference only
   1) readable: I think this is very basic principle that shouldn’t ignore anytime, the function of text inside the ad is going to say something to the public, transmits author's intention and some other information in the visual way to the populace, to achieve this goal must consider the text readable and u have clear represent the whole advertisement what it is, and should avoid complication and disorder. Make people easy to understand easy to recognize. Do not just design for design, had forgotten the design primary purpose was getting better. It is more effective transmission author's intention, expression subject and conception。
2)Character: The text design has to obey the style of the work. It can't escape from the whole style of work, should be avoid conflict to the whole design, otherwise, will break the design totally. In general, the text character can is divided into following several kinds
(1) Dignified and beautiful style
(2) Strength simple and direct style
(3) Solemn impressive-looking style
(4) Happy and delight style
(5) Traditional style
(6) Marvelous and special style

3)The pleasant impression on the vision

In the graphic design of vision communication, the text design is one of the main factor of the appearance, have the function of information of transmission, as a result it must have the pleasant impression on the sense of vision, can give person with feeling beautifully.

According to the topic, highlight text style, create special color, and can express the design intention clearly. While design in the process, study the word characteristic, modify continuously, can create the text with new character, make the appearance and stylizes be able to match aesthetic.

I am not expert, these are my individual viewpoints, also referenced with some article on the internet, and however I think it useful.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Color is the visual perceptual property

Color is the visual perceptual property. In 1666, English physicist Newton done a very famous experiment, he use the triple prism decomposed solor into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple seven colors, According to Newton deduces: The white sun light is produced by these seven colors mix.
The science of color is sometimes called chromatics. It includes the perception of color by the human eye and brain, the origin of color in materials, color theory in art, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range

The different color may have the different psychological process. These feelings each people may have not all same, but even people from the different cultural also generally have the similar feeling. For instance the red color causes the human to be excited, the blue color brings the feeling of peaceful. To the artist, the architect, the fashion designer and the advertisement designer and so on the color psychological processes are extremely important.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

how to updating your creativity

Just finished work rush to home grab some instant noodles I set down in front of computer for the assignments, these days almost the same every day rush and rush no stop. But the problem never seems to be reducing.
Today what I have for the blog? So far I have no idea however. When I have no idea with something then how? Ok today just tall about “no idea”

I think every one should has this experience when you with no idea at all for some big project or very important assignment. Really bad.
Maybe next day will scolded by the boss, maybe To be blamed do not have the creativity?
Nobel Prize winner john Steinbeck said:
IDEAS are like rabbits. You get couple, learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
Actually as a design student I myself always can meet such problem. Many way I have tried but few of then can work..
Here I got some experience want to share with you which really some time can help lot, you can try it.
1) When you feel your brain is dry stop you work immediately, if you keep working the only thing could be happen is waste time, also you do not be angry, go out have a cup of coffee, after that perhaps forget all about the project, try to find the funs do not mind even the fool one (just do not have to see by other people) why doing this? Basically this time what you need is change you mindset. After that now you can go back to you table and reopen you computer with new activities..
2) To develop a habit bring a small note everywhere record down the idea if got at any time, this is good habit for you, although you will find the 9of10 ideas are stupid but unless there still got 1 not so stupid. Keep find other 10 ideas, finally the good idea will comes to you.
3) Take a dictionary random open to any page pick up any word, then do not care there is no relationship with my project, just focusing the word which you random pickup one, sometime it is useful, really!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

how easy to create a web sit by a template

It's easier said than done. lot of people have the knowledge about websit design, even the small kids can use fronpage or other webpage create tools have it done very fast,but not just for fun if you really need a websit can work for you real business, then what i am recommend is download a template create you won websit. because there are so many smart people because u have no time to do everything, also we have to talk about the efficiency, most people now looking for the template to have their own web sit, you needn't to break you head to think of the design, think of the color usage,how the layout look like etc, u got very quick to establish you won business online shop on the internet, or you are very creative people you can do some modify for the template putting you great idea into it, make it more nice more efficiency.
but all these convenience related money. you want the good one then you have to pay more of course you can save all the mony just do it by youself, if you know how to do and have enough time to do so, but now nuless you are a professional of webpage designer or you are a student of learning how to create websit, most people they don't do that.
As i know, there are some good web page template websit are useful for someone needs it, based on dreamweaver or frontpage depends which one you like,that templates are of the highest quality and can be used for all commercial websites. Every web page templates will help you create a great website in no time at all. So what are you waiting for? just Download web site design templates today.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

General taking the graphic design

Did you know when the graphic design has appeared, perhaps no body can make clear definition about this, I think the earliest graphic design should started from as long as man has been making marks; first on stone canyons or dry earth. as early as 5000 years ago started Since The Industry revolution, the Industry fast developed, the graphic design generally exists in all the various trades and occupations, for example the internet web page design. Printing company cover design newspaper layout design, advertisement agency, or publishing company, basically this is managed by a skillful use and understanding of type, color, and image and sound to create visual solutions to communications problems.
Thouch the logo design, as we know it is part of the graphic design, it palys the improtant role here, varieties followed by the society development , The modern logo is sense of vision sign and sketches that has the meaning and contents of symbols. It is a bridge of communicate and information, contribute to set up the business enterprise or the organization image.
Basically the logo design can divided into the text logo, graphic logo and combine with the text and graphic three different of logo.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

design Psychology is a science

when the module of visual communication has started i have the chance to touch bit Psychology in design, ,
Psychology is a science and design psychology is a science, acctually the design itself also is a science, that focuses on social and cultural aspects of any given market to determine how to package products, services, or information for ultimate impact. Design psychology empowers you to create a fabulous space that sustains your emotions, using techniques based on science. Design psychology turns spaces into happy places.

Your senses react to many other factors besides those of basic interior design, even though those factors can profoundly affect your emotions and happiness. Design psychology addresses elements that interior design does not take into consideration.

The concepts of design psychology and Fengshui are compatible, and homeowners can use both to enhance their homes. However, Fengshui is based on superstition, while design psychology draws its concepts from science.

According to the principles of design psychology, you start with the emotions and feelings you want to bring into a space, and you will come to realize that Mother Nature knows best about blending light, shadows, colors, patterns, textures, and form. So you will choose your design details to support your emotions, based on psychology.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Flash over use

I think create the entire website in lager Flash, really not the smart way, in the website has some contents to be possible based on Flash, then if whole site bulit up by flash u will make problem acctually ,but now never lack people doing so they enjoiny the flying objects brithness changings make the cool interface, just want to make it nice but the most improtant point they frogot, it should be able keep user free navigation with out trouble.

Sometime when you searching something surfing on the internet open some website, suddenly the harsh music come out and play long time in you computer, maybe it is about midnight, you family members were sleeping just few inches away from you. Oh my goodness! percussion instrument
I already listed over use Flash on the Internet as the absolute disaster, this technology as if was the mean making people suffering who surfing on the internet. In order this software just to produce the massive animation advertisement. To produce the flash advertisement is the good tools.
Because there are more and more enterprises are relying on the Internet to create Flash in its corporate image. Even you dislike the flash also no choice have to visit lot of flash website, because the flash is so popular now.
The Flash not only brought agony for some Netizen, it can reduced the accessibility to visit website, some disadvantageous influence occurred.

For example, although now have more and more mobile equipments start provide with the big screen, let customer browses the web page use hand phone or other equipments, But not all the equipments ready install the flash player, so when you going to open the web with flash, you can discard to visit this web site or have to download the extra application into you mobile equipment, really this brining to people a bit vexation.

There is a more interesting example from my friend: A website which belongs to charity organization, in this web site the home page use full of the flash to be built up, when you open the home page there are many colorful bubbles come out and slowly reform to turning circle, after that the text then appear telling people the contents of this page, It will allows you click on the text and enter related pages. If you do not have flash player basically can’t visit it at all. This is completely have already betray the meaning of internet original concept.
Some smart web designer provide the two choice the Nitient web with flash or simple html page, I think this is good solution for those who really enjoy the hustle and bustle of life in the internet.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Whether have the necessities to obtain the Certify qualifications from Macromedia (adobe)?

Whether have the necessities to obtain the Certify qualifications from Macromedia (adobe)?
“I am an adobe certified designer” some times when you heard people introducing himself with this word, how do you think? In other word can we believe this is also the ability certified?
The answer to me is not very necessary
I have ever reason to say that, ok! Of course there is good side to become a certified designer. It would make you professional same as other any qualification certify. At less make you feel proud anyway.
Actually many people announced they are good in Photoshop or other software, especially in flash. What do you do will make distinguish from those people? Yes show them the papers you have get from adobe. You are the professional. One more thing you might be told with the certificate you will be more attraction to the customer.

The professional attestation of Macromedia is not a real written test to do the answer examination- but is mutable choices. This kind of examination not saw in other web development test. The Macromedia suggest the person whom before take the examinations must have the certain experience, but this not the must need of elements to register the test, that means some of people with out any experience at all, he also can attend and pass the examination. The Web development, especially Falsh, Emphasizes overcomes the limit and restrict, to achieve the target, Obtaining the certificate through an examination can't represent and there will be the ability to do a web site for the customer, what the customers want is a real results, they do not want to know how to clear buffer area.
As a user of any software you can not remember everything inside you brain
But reference to the help menu, when you meet the difficulty, the help menu is you best friend.

The Macromedia provide each products, all having a fascinating Flash( is a Breeze probably now) introduction. You think that the entry-level Macromedia Flash attestation would take at least probably a plays to show the Flash. No, complete not, there are just writing- describe in text some are not the Macromedia characteristics. I doubt in a crazy heat pursue the environment of the attestation, this kind of attestation can be for make money only?
Before I write this, I have ask some of my friend weather they going to obtain the certification, the answer mostly are not. “It is waste time” some of them said.
But in these days present economic depression, if obtain the authentication or not effect to obtain a customer or job, then it is certainly worth you considering.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

20th century the top 100 people in advertisment

there are the 100 top guy in 20th century in AD
William Bernbach
Marion Harper Jr.
Leo Burnett
David Ogilvy
Rosser Reeves
John Wanamaker
William Paley
Maurice Saatchi and Charles Saatchi
Albert Lasker
Jay Chiat
F. Wayland Ayer
Helmut Krone
Neil McElroy
Stanley Resor and Helen Lansdowne Resor
Bruce Barton
Martin Sorrell
Henry Luce
Lee Clow
Mary Wells Lawrence
Alfred Sloan
John Caples
Dan Wieden and David Kennedy
Howard Luck Gossage
Shirley Polykoff
Joyce Hall
Ray Kroc
Allen Rosenshine
Claude C. Hopkins
Ted Turner
Hal Riney
Phil Dusenberry
C. Ike Herbert
Bob Gage
Conde Nast
John Smale
Bruce Crawford
John E. Kennedy
John B. Watson
Steve Jobs
Phyllis K. Robinson
William Randolph Hearst
Philip Geier
Jane Trahey
John H. Johnson
George Gallup
Raymond Rubicam
Keith Reinhard
Carl Ally and Amil Gargano
Charlotte Beers
David Sarnoff George Batten
James Webb Young
Jack Tinker
Lee Iacocca
Don Belding
Theodore F. MacManus
Sylvester L. Pat Weaver
Charles Austin Bates
Stan Freberg
Rupert Murdoch
Harrison King McCann
Bernice Fitz-Gibbon
Joe Sedelmaier
Theodore L. Bates
Howard Zieff
J. Walter Thompson
Robert Jacoby
Arthur Godfrey
A.C. Nielsen Sr.
James H. McGraw Sr.
Jerry Della Femina
Ben Duffy
Earnest Elmo Calkins
George Lois
Michael Jordan
Theodore Repplier
Roone Arledge
Thomas J. Burrell
G.D. Crain Jr.
Emerson Foote
Bill Backer
Joe Pytka
Fairfax Cone
Daniel Starch
John E. Powers
Victor O. Schwab
Michael Ovitz
Cyrus H.K. Curtis
Howard H. Bell
Richard Lord
Michael Eisner
Al Achenbaum
Steve Frankfurt
Lester Wunderman
Peggy Charren
Frank Hummert
Sam Vitt
Cliff Freeman
Vance Packard
Stephen M. Case